Streamlit APP - Telecom Churn Prediction

less than 1 minute read

App to predict Customer Churn for a Telecom company

The app is hosted on

Why does a customer leave telecom company?

Most people leave any service because of dissatisfaction with the way they are treated. They would not be looking around if they were happy with their current provider, its service and employees. source

Accenture reports that 77% of consumers are no longer as loyal to brands as they were even three years ago. Much like everyone else, the telecom industry must work harder than ever at customer retention. source

Churn Rate?


For Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and Machine Learning Model to predict churn refer Telecom Customer Churn Prediction.ipynb

To run the app in local:

  1. Download the repository
  2. Create a virtual environment (For anaconda user refer)
  3. Setup requirements.txt (for windows users run pip install -r requirements.txt)
  4. After install the required packages. Open anaconda promt (anaconda cmd/Terminal) and type cd ‘directory of repository in local machine’
  5. Activate conda environment. (conda activate env_name)
  6. Run (streamlit run

    Example: (base) C:\Users\aravind>cd C:\Users\aravind\Desktop\Telecom_churn (base) C:\Users\aravind\Desktop\Telecom_churn>conda activate churn_env (bank_env) C:\Users\aravind\Desktop\Telecom_churn>streamlit run

    App Demo

    app demo

App Screenshots

app screenshot 1

app screenshot 2

For full code refer here